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Hypnotherapy In Singapore - Insightful Counselling


Time to believe in yourself to succeed.

Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis Therapy in Singapore

Hypnotherapy helps people to overcome a wide range of issues, habits, fears and phobias, and build on confidence and self-empowerment.

Empower Yourself

Visualize and achieve your desired goals to excel in exams, sports and your desired field.

Overcome Your Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy works faster than most therapies to help you be liberated from your fears and phobias

Break Habits

It helps to break habits like nail-biting, overeating, and other unwanted habits

Quit Smoking

Evidence demonstrates that hypnotherapy is the most effective way to help people stop smoking

Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis Therapy in Singapore - Insightful Counselling
What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy helps healing as a natural, powerful and quick intervention for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety, and mood disorders. It helps to break free from old problems, habits and phobias. Clinical Hypnotherapy is endorsed by international psychological associations like American Psychological Association

It is especially noteworthy to mention that Hypnotherapy helps
Why You Need it?

Stress impacts you both physically and mentally, affecting your health adversely. You may be experiencing work or emotional stress. If you are experiencing any of these stress symptoms, then they could be the warning signs you shouldn’t ignore.

How can Insightful Counselling Helps?

Hypnosis can offer long-lasting desired changes because it talks directly to our subconscious mind. With hypnotherapy, our conscious and unconscious are able to agree with each other’s viewpoints. As a result, the changes reflected are multifold. In the hands of a trained hypnotherapist, it is safe and empowering. Insightful in singapore can help you work on your issues as mentioned above like fears, phobias, self-empowerment, coping with anxiety, breaking a habit, quitting to smoke, with our trained clinical hypnotherapist.

Why Choose Insightful?

At Insightful our therapist, Reena Goenka, is certified in clinical hypnotherapy since 2011. She has worked with hypnotherapy as an additional however extremely powerful tool with her other counselling and psychotherapy skills like EMDR therapy, Brainspotting, Transactional Analysis to help her clients achieve their goals.

She is known as one among a few therapist best for hypnotherapy in Singapore

Brain's Language is Images

Hypnotherapy works with images and hence it is an excellent language for our brain and subconscious. As a result, through visualisation, there are desired changes for mental well-being and empowering oneself. We have a doctor within us. Hypnotherapy helps to get access to our own healer inside us, sitting deep within our unconscious. Hypnosis helps us to tap on our inner resources, to move forward in our life and achieve our goals.


Reena has been my clinical supervisor since I graduated from a counselling master programme. She is patient and attentive. She makes me feel comfortable and less worry. Her counselling and supervision skills and knowledge are much to be admired for and she is generous with her knowledge. I left her office feeling fulfilled every time after the session. She is a extraordinary supervisor.

Reena is one of the best supervisors I had. She is very knowledgeable, passionate and compassionate individual who cares about imparting her skills on junior counsellors. She is well- versed in EMDR therapy and has taught me some valuable techniques to use with clients. Highly recommended if you are looking for a clinical supervisor.

I have had the privilege to experience Reena as both my Group Supervisor during my Masters at ECTA and one-on-one for individual supervision.

As a Group Supervisor, Reena allows the group to set our supervision goals. She is conscious when allowing sufficient time for cases to be presented. With her rich experience, she gently teases out info of each case, urges each presenter to provide his view, intervention and treatment plans.

As a Counsellor, I have benefited richly from Reena’s experience, generous sharing and guidance. I am truly grateful to be mentored and supervised by her.

Thank you for your excellent supervision. I am amazed at your generosity, patience, kindness, diligence, inspiration, commitment and support that you have provided during my internship counselling journey. You make me realize that I have more ability than I think I have, challenged me, pushed me, believed in me, help me grow consistently and constructively to do better and led by example. Thank you again!
- Jody Tan

Reena has been very helpful and insightful as a supervisor. She was able to shed light on my blind spots and offer suggestions in my intervention.
- Shifan Hu

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