Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety Counselling - Insightful Counselling Singapore

“Anxiety whispers doubts in our ears, but within us is a voice stronger than fear. Let’s find that voice together. Your journey towards peace and strength begins here.”

Introduction to Anxiety

Anxiety, an innate response to perceived dangers or stressful scenarios, manifests through feelings of nervousness, concern, and unease. This reaction is a standard aspect of human behaviour, serving as an impetus to confront obstacles or threats. Nonetheless, when anxiety escalates to an excessive, relentless state, impairing everyday functions, it might signal the presence of an anxiety disorder. These disorders represent a spectrum of mental health issues characterized by disproportionate fear or worry relative to the circumstances. The triggers and symptoms of anxiety disorders differ significantly from person to person, but they often present as persistent worrying, elevated heartbeat, quickened breathing, perspiration, and sensations of terror or panic. Anxiety encompasses both physical and emotional aspects, potentially affecting anyone’s performance in their professional life, personal relationships, and social interactions.

At Insightful, we grasp the intricate nature of anxiety and provide assistance to help individuals manage these intense feelings. Our programs are designed to cater to the specific requirements of those facing anxiety in Singapore, offering empathetic and effective treatment solutions.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

It is important to recognize signs and symptoms of anxiety to know when to seek assistance. Anxiety manifests in various ways, and while the experience can differ from person to person, there are common signs and symptoms to be aware of. Below are detailed write-ups on each, including any additional symptoms that might not have been listed initially:

– Excessive Worrying or Fear
This symptom is characterized by persistent, excessive, and unrealistic worry about everyday things. This worrying is often disproportionate to the actual event or situation and can be difficult to control or manage, significantly impacting daily functioning.

– Restlessness or Feeling Wound Up
Individuals may feel constantly “on edge” or have an overwhelming sense of impending danger, panic, or doom. This can lead to feeling physically tense, jittery, or unable to relax, often without an identifiable cause.

– Fatigue
Despite restlessness, anxiety can paradoxically lead to fatigue. This is because the mental and physical strain of constant worrying or stress depletes energy levels, making it difficult to complete daily tasks or stay motivated.

– Difficulty Concentrating
Anxiety can disrupt focus and the ability to concentrate, making it hard to remember instructions, complete tasks, or make decisions. This is often due to the mind being cluttered with worries or fears.

– Irritability
Increased irritability is common in individuals dealing with anxiety, where even minor issues can provoke significant frustration or anger, affecting personal and professional relationships.

– Sleep Disturbances
Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing unrestful sleep are common in people with anxiety. Worries may intrude upon sleep, leading to insomnia or disturbing dreams.

Additional Symptoms:
– Muscle Tension: Persistent muscle tension, aches, or soreness without physical cause is a frequent physical manifestation of anxiety.
The symptoms of panic attacks include palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, or a feeling of choking.

– Avoidance Behavior: Avoiding situations or places due to fears of triggering anxiety. This can limit personal and professional opportunities and affect quality of life.

In addition to mental symptoms, anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems, and shortness of breath.

Understanding these signs and symptoms is the first step to recognizing the need for help. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, seeking professional support is essential. Anxiety is treatable and, with the right help, manageable. Individuals can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety manifests in various forms, each with its own set of triggers, symptoms, and impacts on daily life. Here’s an overview of different types of anxiety disorders, providing insight into the diverse ways anxiety can present itself:

– Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): GAD is marked by persistent and excessive worry about a variety of everyday life activities or events, often to a degree that is disproportionate to the actual risk or reality. A person with GAD may find it difficult to control their worry, which can significantly affect their daily functioning.

– Panic Disorder: This condition is marked by abrupt and unforeseen episodes of panic—severe instances of anxiety and unease, coupled with physical manifestations like racing heartbeat, difficulty breathing, lightheadedness, or stomach upset. Individuals suffering from this disorder frequently anticipate the possibility of experiencing another episode, which may drive them to adopt avoidance strategies to prevent subsequent occurrences.

– Social Anxiety Disorder: Social anxiety entails a profound dread of social environments where there’s a perceived risk of judgment, embarrassment, or humiliation. Such intense anxiety can significantly disrupt routine life, prompting individuals to steer clear of social engagements.

– Specific Phobias: A specific phobia manifests as a severe and unreasonable fear of a distinct object or scenario, like fear of heights (acrophobia), spiders (arachnophobia), or flying (aviophobia). This fear exceeds usual caution and can compel individuals to take extreme measures to evade the source of their fear.

– Agoraphobia: Agoraphobia is the fear of being in places or situations where escape might be intricate or where help may not be available in the event of a panic attack. This can lead to avoidance of a wide range of situations, including being outside the home, being in a crowd, or travelling in a car or elevator.

– Separation Anxiety: Disorder
People with separation anxiety disorder are characterized by an excessive fear of being separated from those they are attached to. The fear is beyond what is appropriate for the person’s age, leading to significant distress or impairment in social, academic, or other important areas of functioning.

– Selective Mutism: A rare childhood disorder characterized by the consistent failure to speak in specific social situations (such as at school or with playmates) where speaking is expected, despite speaking in other situations. It interferes significantly with educational or social achievement.

– Medication: Induced Anxiety Disorder
This type of anxiety results directly from the effects of medications, substance abuse, or withdrawal from drugs. Anxiety is a direct physiological consequence of the substance’s impact on the body, distinguishing it from other types of anxiety disorders.

Each type of anxiety disorder has its own treatment approach, which may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Understanding the specific type of anxiety is crucial in seeking appropriate help and managing symptoms effectively.

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

What are the Causes of Anxiety - Insightful Counselling SingaporeThe emergence of anxiety disorders can be attributed to several factors, painting a multifaceted picture of its origins:

– Genetic Predispositions: A family history of anxiety disorders can increase the likelihood of developing similar issues, suggesting a genetic component.

– Environmental Influences: The environment one grows up in, including exposure to stressful or traumatic events, plays a critical role in the development of anxiety.

– Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions or the stress from dealing with chronic illness can trigger symptoms of anxiety.

– Life Experiences: Stressful life milestones, such as the loss of a significant relationship, job-elated stress, or financial insecurities, can precipitate or intensify anxiety disorders.

Understanding the diverse sources of anxiety is pivotal in addressing its manifestations effectively and compassionately.

Counselling and Psychotherapy Techniques for Treating Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders, which are characterized by excessive uneasiness, worry and fear, can significantly disrupt daily life. At Insightful, we recognize the uniqueness of each individual’s struggle with anxiety and offer a variety of treatment modalities tailored to meet their specific needs:

– EMDR Therapy: Particularly beneficial for individuals with trauma-induced anxiety, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy aids in processing and integrating traumatic memories.

– Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a cornerstone treatment that focuses on identifying, challenging, and altering negative thought patterns and behaviours associated with anxiety.

– Transactional Analysis: This approach delves into the dynamics of personal relationships and their impact on an individual’s anxiety, offering insights and pathways to healthier interactions.

– Hypnotherapy: By inducing a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy aims to access the subconscious mind to uncover and address the triggers of anxiety.

– Medication: While not always necessary, medication may be recommended to help manage and alleviate symptoms of anxiety, often in conjunction with other therapeutic interventions.

Integrative Approach: At Insightful Counselling, therapists combine various therapies to tailor treatment to each client’s specific needs, ensuring a holistic approach to anxiety management.

How Insightful Counselling Can Assist in Anxiety Reduction?

Insightful Counselling is dedicated to providing a supportive, confidential space for individuals to explore and understand their anxiety. Our approach includes the following:

– Tailored Therapeutic Techniques: Utilizing methods like CBT and mindfulness, we help clients identify the roots of their anxiety, reframe their thoughts, and develop effective coping strategies.

– Emotional Well-being Focus: Our goal is to not only reduce symptoms of anxiety but also to enhance overall emotional resilience and well-being.

– Quality of Life Improvement: By addressing anxiety comprehensively, we aim to improve our clients’ quality of life, enabling them to engage more fully in relationships, work, and social activities.

Our team at Insightful Counselling is committed to walking alongside you on your journey toward understanding and managing your anxiety, fostering a path to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

What are the Benefits of Anxiety Counselling?

– Improved Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques: Learn effective methods to manage stress and adopt relaxation techniques that can help reduce anxiety levels.

– Enhanced Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence: Counselling can increase your understanding of your emotions, triggers, and responses, leading to greater emotional intelligence.

– Reduced Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: Through therapeutic intervention, it’s possible to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving overall mental health.

– Better Relationships with Others: By understanding and managing your anxiety, you can improve communication and relationships with friends, family, and colleagues.

– Increased Confidence and Decision-Making Skills: As you gain control over your anxiety, you’ll likely see a boost in your confidence and ability to make clear decisions.

Our Counsellors for Anxiety Counselling

Reena Goenka

Reena Goenka, MSc (Counseling), SAC Master Clinical Member: Specializes In EMDR, Brainspotting, Transactional Analysis, Flash Technique and Hypnotherapy. She works with you to identify the specific sources of anxiety in your life. By understanding what triggers your anxiety, you can develop effective coping mechanisms. She teaches practical coping strategies to manage anxiety and fear.

Yap Huay Khem

Huay Khem - Counsellor at Insightful Counselling SingaporeYap Huay Khem, MSc (Counseling), SAC Registered Member : Known for her calm and nonjudgmental demeanour, Yap Huay Khem equipped herself with various modalities, such as EMDR/Flash Technique, Brainspotting, Hypnotherapy, and Transactional Analysis, to help clients to explore, aware and resolve their trapped issues and emotions, thus improve their well-being and handling behaviours.

Adeeti Jain

Adeeti Jain - Counsellor at Insightful Counselling SingaporeAdeeti Jain, MSc (Counseling), SAC Associate Member : Specialises in Couple, Marital and Family therapy with a focus on family dynamics and parenting. She is a licensed Gottman professional .

Lily Ng

Lily Ng, MSc (Counseling), SAC Associate Member : Lily holds a Master’s degree in Counselling and Social Organizational Psychology and is certified in coaching and conflict resolution. She specializes in providing empathetic support for individuals and couples dealing with anxiety disorders, trauma, and childhood trauma. Lily also focuses on relationship issues, work-related stress, life transitions, self-esteem, and personal growth, helping clients navigate these challenges with care and expertise.

Yamini Yadav

Yamini Yadav Counsellor at Insightful Counselling in SingaporeYamini Yadav Master of Counselling (Advanced): Certified therapist specializing in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) offering support for anxiety, panic & depression.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Go for Anxiety Therapy?

If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety that are interfering with your daily life, it may be time to consider anxiety therapy. Some signs that therapy could be beneficial include:

  1. Constant worry or fear.
  2. Physical symptoms like a racing heart or muscle tension.
  3. Avoidance of situations due to anxiety.
  4. Disruption in daily life, work, or relationships.
  5. Difficulty managing stress or anxiety.
  6. Sleep issues linked to anxiety.
  7. Panic attacks.
  8. Repetitive negative thoughts.
  9. A desire for personal growth or better coping strategies.

Therapy can help you understand and manage these feelings, improving your quality of life.

How do I know if I need anxiety counselling?

If anxiety significantly impacts your daily activities, relationships, or work performance, it may be beneficial to seek professional help.

How long does anxiety counselling take?

The length of counselling varies from person to person, depending on individual needs and the severity of the anxiety. Some individuals experience improvement quickly, while others may benefit from longer-term support.

Is anxiety counselling covered by insurance in Singapore?

Insurance coverage for anxiety counselling differs among providers. It’s advisable to consult your insurance provider for specific information regarding coverage for mental health services.

Can anxiety be completely cured?

While anxiety disorders can be effectively managed and symptoms significantly reduced, it’s essential to approach counselling as a pathway to improved mental health rather than expecting an outright cure. Ongoing management strategies can significantly enhance quality of life.

At Insightful Counselling, Singapore is dedicated to supporting individuals through their journey with anxiety, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to a wide range of needs. Whether you’re exploring ways to manage anxiety without medication or seeking effective therapy for specific concerns like anxiety attacks, panic attacks or social anxiety, our experienced counsellors are here to provide support. Overcoming fear and regaining control of your life is possible with professional counselling. Reach out to us to discover more about our services and how we can assist you in achieving long-term relief from anxiety.

Book an Appointment for Anxiety Therapy and Counselling in Singapore


Counselling sessions with Reena have been of great value to me. Past few years, I have been suffering from a generalised anxiety disorder. The Brainspotting technique used by her in the sessions was magical; it helped me unfold my deepest thoughts. Her gentle enquiry to further the exploration was both soothing and healing. Every session had outstanding results. Thank you so much!!

I believe that talking about the challenges you face is a great way to see a new perspective of life. Getting counselling here with Reena’s help and guidance really taught me to embrace fears I never thought I’d overcome. There is no shame in getting the help you need whether it be from here or anywhere else, but i would highly recommend this having been here myself time and again.

Adeeti, is very patient, non-judgemental and empathic. She has been helping me overcome my struggles and also enable me to identify my strengths. She also helped to point out my irrational thoughts and guide me back on track. My family members also notice I had become more positive. Feeling grateful to Adeeti for her help.

Have been seeing Huay Khem for counselling for multiple sessions now. Was recommended by my sister’s friend. HK is very empathetic and gives really good advice. I feel very comfortable talking to her and being vulnerable. She gives me space to figure out and come to terms with my emotions. She is also very professional and analyses my situations very well. If you are lost, need someone to figure your life out with you, please don’t hesitate to look up Huay Khem. Highly recommended.

Reena has helped me immensely by using EMDR and cognitive behaviour therapy to help me get over my social anxiety.

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