Transactional Analysis

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Transactional Analysis Singapore

There can be no change without awareness. TA helps us to understand how we think, feel, and behave the way we do from at least three potentially different ways (Parent, Adult and Child).

Transactional Analysis In Singapore

TA believes People are Ok, implying everyone has worth regardless of their behaviour
TA believes People decide their destiny and their decisions can be changed once made, and make new decisions
TA believes most of us have the capacity to think, thus placing responsibility on each individual to make their own decisions
TA analysis communication between people and within a person based on the concept of three ego-states: Parent, Adult, and Child
Transactional Analysis Counselling In Singapore - Insightful Counselling
What is Transactional Analysis?

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory and therapeutic approach that psychiatrist Eric Berne developed in the 1950s. It is used to understand human behaviour, communication, and interpersonal relationships. TA posits that people have three ego states—Parent, Adult, and Child—that influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.


– Parent Ego State: This represents the attitudes, thoughts, and behaviours ingrained from early parental figures or authority figures.


– Adult Ego State: This is associated with rational thinking, problem-solving, and objective Analysis.


– Child Ego State: This reflects emotions, spontaneity, and behaviours learned during childhood.


TA offers many tools for exploring the client’s world internally and externally. 


In assessing the client’s internal and external dynamics within TA, the practitioner employs a comprehensive approach rooted in structural Analysis, understanding inner workings and styles of thoughts, how they discount themselves, others and situations, how the drama triangle is played out, and so much more to gain profound insights into the client’s psyche, unravelling the intricacies of their inner world. 


Furthermore, Functional Analysis examines interpersonal dynamics, offering a holistic understanding of the client’s relationships and environment. This multifaceted exploration helps in deciphering the client’s present reality and relationships.


Integrating these diverse methodologies allows the practitioner to construct a nuanced and holistic understanding of the client’s internal and external realms. By meticulously examining thought styles, interpersonal relationships, and temporal dynamics, the practitioner adopts a third-person perspective, unveiling the complexities that shape the client’s psychological landscape. This comprehensive approach forms the foundation for effective therapeutic interventions tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the individual client.

When is Transactional Analysis Therapy Helpful?

Transactional analysis (TA) therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on analysing and understanding individual transactions (interactions). It was developed by Eric Berne and is grounded in the idea that individuals have three ego states (Parent, Adult, and Child) that influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. 


TA therapy is helpful in various situations and for a range of issues. Here are some scenarios where Transactional Analysis therapy can be particularly beneficial:


– Improving Communication Skills: TA therapy can help individuals recognise their communication patterns and improve their ability to express themselves effectively. By understanding ego states, clients can learn to communicate assertively and avoid unproductive patterns, such as aggressive or passive communication.


– Enhancing Relationship Dynamics: TA therapy can help improve personal or professional relationships. Clients can learn how their ego states influence interactions and foster healthier connections by recognising and modifying unhelpful patterns.


– Addressing Interpersonal Conflicts: TA therapy provides a framework for comprehending the dynamics in motion when conflicts arise. By exploring transactions and recognising when individuals operate from different ego states, clients can gain insights into the root causes of conflicts and work towards resolution.


– Developing Self-Awareness: TA therapy encourages self-reflection and awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Clients can explore their life scripts, unconscious beliefs and patterns developed in childhood and work towards making conscious choices that align with their current values and goals.


– Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Patterns: TA therapy effectively identifies and challenges limiting beliefs and harmful life scripts that may hinder personal growth. By recognising and making new decisions (redeciding) these patterns, individuals can break free from self-sabotaging behaviours and create positive change.


– Managing Stress and Anxiety: Understanding how different ego states contribute to stress and anxiety can be instrumental in developing coping strategies. TA therapy provides tools for managing emotional responses and adopting a more adaptive and rational approach to challenging situations.


– Personal and Professional Development: TA therapy can be valuable for individuals seeking personal or professional development. It provides a framework for setting goals, understanding motivations, and making intentional choices that align with one’s aspirations.


– Family Therapy: TA therapy is often used to explore and improve family dynamics. By understanding the roles and interactions within the family system, individuals can work towards fostering healthier relationships and communication patterns.


– Trauma and Grief Treatment: TA therapy can be integrated into trauma treatment to explore the underlying patterns and beliefs that contribute to traumatic thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It helps individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and make positive life changes.


It’s important to note that the effectiveness of any therapeutic approach, including Transactional Analysis therapy, depends on the individual’s needs, preferences, and the therapist’s skill. If you’re considering TA therapy, it’s recommended that you seek advice from a certified mental health professional to determine the best course of action and its suitability for your specific situation.

How Can Transactional Analysis Help you?

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a valuable therapeutic approach that provides insight into thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.


Here are several ways in which Transactional Analysis can help:


– Understanding your internal parts that talk to you:


– TA introduces the concept of three ego states: Parent, Adult, and Child. Understanding these states helps individuals recognise their behaviour triggers and how they interact with others.

– By becoming aware of which part is dominant in a given situation, individuals can gain insight into their reactions and make more conscious choices.

– For example, my Critical part may be dominant when I am upset – with awareness; I may choose my Adult part to ensure I do not disrupt my relationships.


– Improving Communication:


– TA provides a framework for analysing communication patterns. It helps individuals identify when they are communicating from a Critical Parent, a logical Adult, or an emotional Child state.

– Learning to communicate effectively and assertively while avoiding unproductive patterns can lead to healthier personal and professional relationships.


Example –


In Transactional Analysis (TA), a cross-transaction occurs when communication between individuals involves different ego states than expected. There are three primary ego states: Parent, Adult, and Child. Cross-transactions can lead to misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. Here’s an example to illustrate analysing a transaction with TA:


Scenario: A Workplace Miscommunication


Both manager and employee struggle with anger, frustration and more and cannot communicate with each other. 

TA- Resolution with Transactional Analysis - Insightful Counselling

Resolution with Transactional Analysis


To resolve the miscommunication, both individuals must recognise the communication style mismatch. The manager can shift to the Adult ego state, expressing concerns calmly and collaboratively. The employee can respond from their Adult ego state, focusing on problem-solving and addressing the manager’s feedback. This helps strengthen interpersonal communication.

Exploring Life Scripts:

Transactional Analysis -Exploring Life Scripts - Insightful Counselling

Life scripts are unconscious beliefs and decisions formed in childhood that shape a person’s life. TA helps individuals examine these scripts to understand how they impact current thoughts and behaviours.


– Some examples of life scripts include

      • I am not loveable.
      • I am worthless.
      • Others are better than I am. 
      • The world is not a fair place. 

– Individuals can achieve their current needs and goals by identifying and challenging their script patterns. 

A decision taken can be changed. A new Decision can be taken. Are you ready to make New Decisions for yourself?


Managing Interpersonal Relationships:


TA therapy is beneficial for improving interpersonal relationships by examining transactional patterns. TA can be a handy tool for couple therapy and family therapy. It helps individuals recognise when they are engaging in complementary, crossed or ulterior transactions and how to navigate them more effectively.


Individuals recognise each other’s behaviour patterns, thinking and communication and then make the desirable changes for healthy relationships. 


Individuals can gain tools to establish healthy boundaries and improve their interactions with others.


Developing Self-Awareness:


TA encourages self-awareness by promoting reflection on one’s own emotions, motivations, and behaviours. It provides individuals with the tools to explore their internal world and better understand themselves.


“Enhancing self-awareness can help individuals in their personal growth journey and enable them to bring positive changes into their lives.”


Setting and Achieving Goals:


TA helps individuals set realistic and achievable goals by exploring their aspirations and motivations. 


It offers a systematic way of setting goals that align with individual values and aspirations.


The therapy encourages individuals to break down larger goals into manageable steps, making the process more achievable.


Personal Development and Empowerment:


– Transactional Analysis supports personal development and empowerment by challenging self-limiting beliefs and fostering a sense of autonomy.

– It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their choices and make positive changes to lead more fulfilling lives.


Family Therapy:


– In family therapy, TA can help family members understand their roles and patterns within the family system.

– Our therapist works extensively with parents and children/teenagers to improve bonds between them by providing a framework for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering healthier relationships.


Transactional Analysis can be a transformative tool for individuals, couples and families seeking self-discovery, improved relationships, and personal and interpersonal growth. Working with a skilled therapist trained in TA can provide guidance and support throughout this process.

Why Choose Insightful?

Choosing insightful counselling incorporating Transactional Analysis can offer several benefits for individuals seeking self-discovery, personal growth, and improved relationships.

Reena Goenka - Certified Transactional Analyst

– We are proud to say Reena Goenka, our therapist, is only the second person in Singapore to be a Certified Transactional Analysis (Psychotherapy). She is certified by the International Transactional Analysis Association.


– She has a Transactional Analysis Practitioner (TAP) certificate from the United States of America Transactional Analysis Association.


– Reena has served on The Transactional Analysis Association Singapore (TAAS) since 2012. She is currently the Hon. President of TAAS. (


Book Your Therapy Session Today for Transactional Analysis Singapore


Thank you, Reena, for being with me for the past 3 years. You have helped me understand myself, my beliefs and my emptiness. With transactional analysis and EMDR therapy and doing two chair work between my mother and myself, I notice a visible positive shift in my relationship with my parents especially my mother. I feel loved and I am now able to be there with my family and allow them to be there for me.

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