Stress Management

Stress Management Counselling Singapore - Insightful Counselling

“Stress is not what happens to us. It’s our response to what happens. And the response is something we can choose.” – Maureen Killoran.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and ready to shut down?

Is your plate not just full but overflowing, and you’re struggling to keep up?

Stress has become a constant companion, and your usual coping mechanisms aren’t cutting it. Some days, you feel ready to conquer the world, while other days, you can barely muster the energy to get out of bed.

You are easily irritated, grumpy, and snapping at your loved ones. Focus has become elusive, and you’re running on empty.

Night after night, your mind races, keeping you from restful sleep as you worry about the endless tasks waiting for you tomorrow.

It’s time to break the cycle.

At Insightful, we recognise that everyone experiences stress differently. Whether you’re overwhelmed by significant challenges or struggling with seemingly minor issues that hinder your progress, we are here to help.

Your journey to recovery begins the moment you reach out to us. With our expert care, you can transform your experience with stress. We provide tailored treatment that addresses your unique symptoms, helping you cope and thrive. You deserve to feel empowered and find joy in life again.

What is Stress?

Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures. However, it can become unhealthy when it upsets one’s day-to-day functioning.

Stress is your body’s automatic response to challenges, manifesting both physically and mentally. It arises from tension and worry when faced with threats or pressure. Often sparked by unexpected or new situations that challenge our stability, stress can stem from various life events—from managing numerous responsibilities and coping with illness to experiencing traumatic incidents such as natural disasters, pandemics, or acts of violence. Recognising and addressing stress early can prevent long-term damage. Discover how to navigate and alleviate stress effectively with our team of counsellors at Insightful.

In Singapore, post-Covid, stress has surged to become the third most significant health issue, affecting 35% of the population.

What are some familiar sources of stress?

Different factors can trigger stress, and what triggers stress depends on the individual. However, some common causes of stress include:

  1. Work-related Issues:

   – High job demands

   – Tight deadlines

   – Long working hours

   – Job insecurity

   – Conflicts with colleagues or superiors

  1. Financial Problems:

   – Debt

   – Unexpected expenses

   – Inadequate income to cover living costs

  1. Health Issues:

   – Chronic illnesses

   – Acute medical conditions

   – Mental health disorders

   – Concerns about the health of loved ones

  1. Relationship Difficulties:

   – Marital or partnership problems

   – Family conflicts

   – Friendships breaking down

   – Loneliness

  1. Major Life Changes:

   – Moving to a new home

   – Changing jobs

   – Divorce or separation

   – Death of a loved one

  1. Environmental Factors:

   – Noise

   – Crowding

   – Pollution

   – Poor living conditions

  1. Personal Expectations:

   – High self-expectations

   – Pressure to achieve and succeed

   – Perfectionism

  1. Daily Hassles:

   – Traffic jams

   – Misplacing items

   – Minor accidents or mishaps

   – Over-scheduling

Stress management and effective coping strategies can significantly improve mental health and well-being.

How Does Stress Affect Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health?

Physical Effects:

Sleep Problems: Stress can cause insomnia or poor-quality sleep, affecting overall health.

  – Example: “I struggle to fall asleep at night because I’m always thinking about my problems.”

Body Related Problems: Stress can lead to headaches, stomach issues, and other physical problems:

  – Example: “I noticed that whenever I’m under a lot of stress at work, I start getting severe headaches, and my stomach feels upset.”

Fatigue: Finding yourself more tired than usual, even after a whole night’s sleep? Stress might be draining your energy reserves.

  – Example: “Despite sleeping eight hours a night, I still wake up feeling exhausted. The constant stress from managing my workload is wearing me out.”- 

Muscle tension or pain: Feel like your shoulders are constantly up to your ears? Stress often tightens our muscles without us even realising it.

  – Example: “I often get headaches and feel nauseous when stressed, making it hard to stay positive.”


Emotional Effects:

Stress can significantly impact emotions, leading to various effects:

Anxiety: Persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.

  – Example: “I constantly feel on edge and anxious about minor things, like running late or making small mistakes.”

Irritability: Becoming easily frustrated or angry.

  – Example: “I find myself snapping at my family for no reason when stressed out.”

Sadness or Depression: Prolonged feelings of sadness or hopelessness.

  – Example: “Stress from my job has made me feel down and uninterested in hobbies I used to enjoy.”

Feeling Overwhelmed: A sense of being unable to cope with demands.

  – Example: “I feel like everything is too much to handle, even simple tasks.”

Restlessness: Difficulty relaxing or staying still.

  – Example: “I can’t seem to sit still or focus on one thing when I’m stressed.”

Recognising these emotional effects is crucial for managing stress and maintaining mental health.

Mental Effects:

Increased Anxiety: Chronic stress can lead to persistent anxiety, making it hard to relax or stay calm.

  – Example: “I constantly worry about everything, from work deadlines to personal relationships.”

Cognitive Issues: Stress can impair memory, focus, and decision-making abilities.

  – Example: “I forget important tasks and have trouble concentrating when I’m stressed.”

Burnout: Chronic stress can lead to burnout, characterised by emotional exhaustion and reduced performance.

  – Example: “I felt completely drained and unable to keep up with my work responsibilities.”

Lowered Self-Esteem: Persistent stress can erode self-confidence and self-worth.

  – Example: “Constant criticism at work made me doubt my abilities and feel inadequate.”

Substance Abuse: Stress can lead to an addiction to alcohol or drugs.

  – Example: “I started drinking more to handle stress from my job, and now I rely on it to relax.”

Social Withdrawal: Stress can make individuals withdraw from social activities and isolate themselves.

  – Example: “I stopped hanging out with friends because I felt overwhelmed by stress.”

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Severe stress from traumatic events can lead to PTSD.

  – Example: “After experiencing a car accident, I had nightmares and avoided driving due to intense stress.”

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Chronic stress can contribute to the development of Complex PTSD (CPTSD) by repeatedly activating the body’s stress response. This continuous activation can overwhelm the individual’s ability to cope, especially if they face prolonged exposure to stressful situations or traumatic events. Over time, this can lead to symptoms such as heightened anxiety, emotional numbness, and difficulty in forming healthy relationships, all characteristic of CPTSD.

Example: “Constantly facing high-pressure situations at work for years left me anxious and numb. The chronic stress overwhelmed my ability to cope, leading to symptoms of CPTSD.”

What can stress-inducing habits look like?

Jumping to Conclusions: This involves assuming the worst without sufficient evidence.

  – “I always think my friends are mad at me when they don’t respond immediately.”

  – “I assumed I failed the test because the professor looked disappointed.”

Needing Control: Stress arises from trying to control everything, even the uncontrollable.

  – “I get anxious when plans change at the last minute.”

  – “I felt stressed when the weather ruined my outdoor event.”

Self-Rating: Judging your worth based on achievements or others’ opinions.

  – “I felt worthless after receiving critical feedback at work.”

  – “I doubted myself because my presentation wasn’t perfect.”

Procrastination: Delaying tasks until the last minute increases stress.

  – “I stressed out finishing my assignment the night before it was due.”

  – “I left my tax returns until the last day, causing unnecessary anxiety.”

Negative Self-Talk: Constant self-criticism and focusing on flaws.

  – “I kept telling myself I’m not good enough after making a mistake.”

  – “I criticised myself for not being as productive as others.”

Overcommitting: Taking on too many tasks leads to feeling overwhelmed.

  – “I agreed to help with too many projects, but now I’m swamped.”

  – “I committed to multiple events in one weekend, leaving me exhausted.”

How to Manage Stress?
Stress Management Techniques - Insightful Counselling Singapore

Managing stress involves various strategies to address both physical and mental well-being. Here are some effective methods:

– Exercise Regularly: Exercise reduces stress hormones and improves mood.

– Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can calm the mind.

– Maintain a Healthy Diet: Balanced meals support overall health and energy levels.

– Get Adequate Sleep: Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night.

– Stay Connected: Social support from friends and family can provide comfort.

– Manage Time Effectively: Prioritise tasks and break them into manageable steps.

– Engage in Hobbies: Spending time on enjoyable activities provides a mental break.

– Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Reducing intake of stimulants and depressants stabilises mood.

– Practice Gratitude: Focusing on positive aspects can shift your mindset.

– Listen to Music: Music is soothing and helps relieve stress.

– Take Breaks: Regular breaks prevent burnout and maintain productivity.

– Set Boundaries: Learning to say no and setting limits avoids overcommitment.

– Laugh More: Finding humour in daily life improves mood and reduces stress.

– Seek Professional Help: Mental health professionals like Insightful Counselling, are available to provide guidance.

What Are the Benefits of Professional Stress Counselling?

We often cannot follow the usual methods to relieve stress. This may require more profound work, such as addressing negative beliefs, patterns, and communication styles. Professional stress counselling helps you understand your stressors, develop effective coping strategies, and reduce stress’s impact on your life. Benefits include:

Improved Mental Health: Reducing stress can decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Better Relationships: Learning to manage stress can improve communication and reduce conflicts.

Enhanced Well-being: Overall quality of life improves as stress levels decrease.

What Are Effective Stress Reduction Techniques in a Counselling Room?

You can reduce stress and its adverse effects on your life with the help of various therapies and practices. These methods include:

Transactional Analysis Therapy: Helps you understand your interactions and communication patterns, improving relationships and reducing stress.

EMDR Therapy: Addresses traumatic memories that may be causing stress, leading to emotional relief.

Talk Therapy: Provides a supportive environment to discuss stressors and develop coping strategies.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Identifies and changes negative thought patterns, improving stress management

Brainspotting Therapy: Targets and processes emotional pain linked to stress.

Mindfulness Therapy: Encourages practices like meditation to calm the mind and increase present-moment awareness.

Hypnotherapy: Uses guided relaxation to achieve a focused state, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

These techniques can improve mental health, enhance well-being, and foster better relationships by addressing the underlying causes of stress.

How Does Counselling for Workplace Stress Work?

How Does Counselling for Workplace Stress Work - Insightful Counselling SingaporeCounselling for workplace stress focuses on identifying job-related stressors and developing strategies to manage them effectively. Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Assessment: The counsellor identifies specific stressors, such as conflicts with a manager, fear of being fired, or anxiety about upcoming feedback.

   – Example: “I was constantly stressed due to frequent disagreements with my manager.”

   – Example: “I had a persistent fear of being fired, which affected my performance.”

   – Example: “The anxiety over receiving upcoming feedback made me lose sleep.”

  1. Developing Coping Strategies: You learn practical techniques, such as time management, communication skills, and stress reduction exercises.

   – Example: “I practised prioritising tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.”

   – Example: “I improved my interactions with colleagues through better communication skills.”

  1. Addressing Underlying Issues: The counsellor helps resolve negative beliefs and patterns.

   – Example: “We addressed my tendency to assume the worst in every situation.”

  1. Support and Follow-up: Ongoing support helps you apply these strategies and make lasting changes.

   – Example: “Regular sessions helped me adjust my coping strategies as needed.”

These steps aim to improve mental health, enhance job performance, and increase well-being.

Why Is Stress Counselling Important for Teenagers?
Why Is Stress Counselling Important for Teenagers - Insightful Counselling Singapore

Teenagers face unique stressors, including academic pressure, social challenges, identity issues, bullying, and cyberbullying. Stress counselling can help teenagers develop healthy coping mechanisms and improve their mental health. It supports:

– Academic Pressure: Managing school-related stress.

– Social Challenges: Navigating peer relationships and social expectations.

– Identity Issues: Understanding and accepting personal identity.

– Bullying: Coping with and responding to bullying.

– Cyberbullying: Addressing the impact of online harassment.

By addressing these stressors, counselling helps teenagers build resilience and emotional well-being.

How Can Insightful Counselling Support Your Journey to Stress Relief?

At Insightful Counselling Singapore, we provide comprehensive support to help you manage and reduce stress. Our experienced counsellors offer personalised programmes, effective techniques, and ongoing support to guide you on your journey to stress relief. We are here to:

Guide You: Offering expert advice and strategies.

Support You: Providing a safe and understanding environment.

Work with Different Techniques: Using various approaches to delve deeper into understanding the triggers of your issues.

Empower You: Helping you develop skills to manage stress independently.

Follow-Up: Ensuring continuous progress and adapting strategies as needed.

Counselling For Stress Management in Singapore - Insightful Counselling

Why Choose Insightful Counselling?

Insightful Counselling, Singapore not only provides treatment but also, WE CARE FOR YOU! Our approach is not limited to treatment, but we also make you self sufficient when it comes to handling any such situations in future.

Live With Positive Mindset

Gaining stress relief may seem harder, but it’s not. You just need to learn eliminating the unnecessary stress that affects your body and make it work FOR you!

Stress Relief - Insightful Counselling Singapore

Our Counsellors for Stress Counselling

Reena Goenka

Reena Goenka, MSc (Counseling), SAC Master Clinical Member: Specializes In EMDR, Brainspotting, Transactional Analysis, Flash Technique and Hypnotherapy. She works with you to identify the specific sources of stress in your life. By understanding what triggers your stress, you can develop effective coping mechanisms. She teaches practical coping strategies to manage stress.

Yap Huay Khem

Huay Khem - Counsellor at Insightful Counselling SingaporeYap Huay Khem, MSc (Counseling), SAC Registered Member : Known for her calm and nonjudgmental demeanour, Yap Huay Khem equipped herself with various modalities, such as EMDR/Flash Technique, Brainspotting, Hypnotherapy, and Transactional Analysis, to help clients to explore, aware and resolve their trapped issues and emotions, thus improve their well-being and handling behaviours.

Adeeti Jain

Adeeti Jain - Counsellor at Insightful Counselling SingaporeAdeeti Jain, MSc (Counseling), SAC Associate Member : Specialises in Couple, Marital and Family therapy with a focus on family dynamics and parenting. She is a licensed Gottman professional .

Lily Ng

Lily Ng, MSc (Counseling), SAC Associate Member : With A Master’s In Counseling, Provides Empathetic Support For Individuals and Couples, Specializing In Relationship Issues, Work-Related Stress.

Yamini Yadav

Yamini Yadav Counsellor at Insightful Counselling in SingaporeYamini Yadav Master of Counselling (Advanced): Certified therapist specializing in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) offering support for anxiety, panic & depression.

Insightful Counselling Success Stories for Stress Relief

Case Study: Lois’s Journey to Stress Relief

Lois (not their real name), a 45-year-old senior professional in Singapore, experienced severe workplace stress impacting their sleep and relationships. Seeking help from Insightful Counselling Singapore, Lois engaged in personalised sessions and learned effective stress management techniques such as CBT, EMDR therapy, talk therapy, transactional analysis therapy, and mindfulness exercises.

After the therapist established a therapeutic relationship, with the help of Transactional Analysis, Lois discovered their low self-esteem was linked to an inner Critical Parent subduing their inner Child, triggering beliefs like “I am a failure, I am not important, I am not good enough.” These were the root causes of Lois’s stress. With therapeutic work, including Inner Child work, EMDR therapy, maintaining a diary, and exploring relaxation tools, Lois saw significant improvements over several months. Their stress levels decreased, sleep improved, and communication at work enhanced.

Lois’s experience highlights the transformative power of professional stress counselling.

FAQs about Stress Counselling at Insightful Counselling Singapore

How Long Does Stress Counselling Typically Take?

The duration of stress counselling varies based on individual needs and the severity of stress. Typically, clients may see improvements within a few sessions, but ongoing support might benefit long-term stress management.

What Should I Expect During My First Counselling Session?

During your first session, you can expect a comprehensive assessment of your stress levels, a discussion about your stressors, and an outline of a personalised stress management plan.

What Are the Options for Online Stress Management Therapy?

Online stress management therapy offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to receive support from the comfort of your home. Our online services are as effective as in-person sessions and tailored to your needs. Benefits include:

– Convenience: Access therapy from anywhere.

– Flexibility: Schedule sessions that fit your timetable.

Is Online Stress Counselling as Effective as In-Person Sessions?

Yes, online stress counselling can be just as effective as in-person sessions. It offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to receive support from the comfort of your home.

Where Can You Find Affordable Stress Counselling Services in Singapore?

At Insightful Counselling Singapore, we offer affordable stress counselling services to ensure everyone needs the support. Contact us to discuss our pricing and find a plan that works for you. We provide:

– Flexible Pricing: We offer options to suit various budgets. Our services start with pro bono sessions provided by our intern counsellors (students studying to be counsellors). Additionally, we have counsellors with different experience levels to cater to diverse financial needs, ensuring a suitable budget for everyone.

– Accessible Services: Ensuring support is available to all.

How Do I Know If I Need Stress Counselling?

Suppose you are experiencing persistent stress that affects your daily life, relationships, or health. In that case, it may be beneficial to seek professional stress counselling.

What Techniques Are Used in Stress Counselling?

Stress counselling may incorporate various techniques, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), talk therapy, transactional analysis therapy, EMDR therapy, mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle modifications.

Can Stress Counselling Help with Chronic Stress?

Yes, stress counselling can help manage and reduce chronic stress by teaching effective coping strategies and addressing underlying causes of stress.

Is Stress Counselling Confidential?

Yes, all sessions at Insightful Counselling Singapore are confidential. Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us.

How Can I Schedule an Appointment with Insightful Counselling Singapore?

You can schedule an appointment by visiting our website, calling our office, or emailing. We strive to accommodate your schedule and provide timely support.

What Is the Cost of Stress Counselling at Insightful Counselling Singapore?

The cost of stress counselling varies depending on the type of service and duration. We offer affordable options and can discuss pricing during your initial consultation.

If you or someone you know is experiencing stress, don’t hesitate to reach out. Insightful Counselling offer expert services in mental health wellness and stress management. You can contact us at +65 (83287060) for more information. Seeking professional help is a positive step toward emotional well-being.

Book An Appointment for Stress Counselling in Singapore


My experience with Stress Right has been transformative, thanks to Reena. Her approach is marked by understanding and zero judgment. She expertly balances offering practical advice with simply being a supportive presence. Reena gently encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone without ever making me feel pressured. She quickly identified my issues and guided me on how to address them. With her help, I have gained confidence and resilience, learning valuable coping techniques. Reena's support has been a constant comfort, making me glad I chose counselling. I highly recommend Reena to anyone struggling. She has truly changed my life.

I just wanted to share my experience working with you on my fear of flying. Your hypnotherapy and relaxation techniques made such a huge difference! Before, I was terrified, even thinking about getting on a plane. But thanks to our sessions, I felt genuinely relaxed and in control during my recent flight. It was a completely different experience. Your support and guidance have been amazing, and I can't thank you enough for helping me overcome this fear.

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