

Brief Synopsis

SPIN is collaborating with the Rotary club Singapore to host a practical learning workshop. We are honoured to invite Reena Goenka as our Guest trainer. She is a specialist in many areas, but in this workshop, she will be on how to communicate better with your child.

Exam Anxiety Talk at Wise Oaks International School

Brief Synopsis

Title: Understanding and Managing Exam Anxiety: A Student’s Guide

On 21st August 2024, Mhairi Jerga, a counsellor-in-training at Insightful Counselling, led an insightful and interactive session on exam anxiety for the students of Wise Oaks International School. The event took place at River Valley High, the main school location, and was broadcast live to the school’s other branch.

The session was introduced by Rajni Parashar, the Principal of Wise Oaks International School, who welcomed Insightful Counselling & Training to the event. Reena Goenka, the Director of Insightful Counselling, then took the stage to introduce Mhairi Jerga. Reena also shared valuable tips with the students, including the “butterfly hug,” a simple yet effective technique to calm the mind.

Understanding Anxiety:
Mhairi Jerga began by discussing the concept of anxiety, explaining its causes and effects, especially in the context of exams. She highlighted that anxiety is a common and natural response to stress, designed to help the body prepare for challenges. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can impede a student’s ability to perform well in exams.

Focusing on Exam Anxiety:
Mhairi then shifted the focus to exam anxiety specifically. She introduced the acronym *ASK*—Attitude, Stress Management, and Knowledge—as a framework for understanding and managing this type of anxiety:

– Attitude: Mhairi emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude toward exams, viewing them as opportunities rather than threats.
– Stress Management: She discussed techniques for managing stress, including relaxation exercises, proper time management, and the butterfly hug method, which had been earlier introduced by Reena Goenka.
– Knowledge: Mhairi stressed that thorough preparation and understanding of the exam material can significantly reduce anxiety levels.

Strategies to Manage Exam Anxiety:
Building on the ASK framework, Mhairi provided practical strategies for managing exam anxiety:

1. Mindfulness and Relaxation Exercises: Mhairi led the students through simple breathing exercises to help them stay calm and centered.
2. Time Management: She advised students on how to organize their study schedules effectively, avoiding last-minute cramming and ensuring a balanced routine.
3. Positive Affirmations: Mhairi taught the students how to use positive self-talk to counteract negative thoughts and boost confidence.

Interactive Q&A:
The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment, where students from both branches asked questions and shared their concerns. Mhairi, along with Reena Goenka, provided personalized advice, ensuring each student felt supported and understood.

The talk was well-received, with students leaving the session better equipped to handle their exam anxiety. Insightful Counselling looks forward to continuing its collaboration with Wise Oaks International School, helping students navigate academic challenges with resilience and confidence.

Team at Wise Oaks - Understanding and Managing Exam Anxiety A Student's Guide

The know more about the topic watch this video –  https://fb.watch/u5qD8M2rn-/ 

Credit – Wise Oaks International School

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Retrain Your Mind To Relax

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5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

Grounding is a powerful technique to help you reconnect with the present moment, especially when feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or disconnected. By focusing on your senses, you can calm your mind and body, reduce stress, and regain a sense of control.

In this exercise, you’ll use your five senses—sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste—to anchor yourself in the here and now.

When to Use This Technique:
- During moments of stress or anxiety.
- When experiencing intrusive thoughts.
- To create a sense of calm in a busy day.