
Body Image Disorder Counselling

Body Image Issues Counselling - Insightful Counselling

Body Image Issues

You do not have to apologize for your body. If you feel that way,

Talk to Us! We may help you build self-acceptance and self-confidence. Call us Now! Or

Counselling Services for Body Image Issues In Singapore


This is the way you see yourself, and which may not always be a correct assessment of what you really look like


This is the way you feel about your looks and what you may like or dislike about yourself


The way you think about yourself, thoughts and beliefs you like/dislike


Acts in which you engage to get that perfect dreamlike body image, for which you may sometimes do extreme things

What is a Body Image Issue?

Body image issues or as is commonly called, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a psychological disorder involving a misperception of one or more body flaws. It is a mental health issue wherein you cannot stop thinking about the flaws in your appearance, and feel embarrassed, ashamed and anxious forcing you avoid social life.

How Do You Know You Have It?

The following symptoms may be the clear hint you definitely shouldn’t ignore.

You think that others notice your appearance in a negative way and mock you

You try hiding when or what you’ve eaten

Seek reassurances for your appearance from others

You start withdrawing from social events

Keep weighing constantly or measuring yourselves

Having perfectionist tendencies

You keep counting calories

You keep thinking about that defect in your appearance you think makes you defective

Showing reluctance to eat or expressing guilt while eating

How Can Insightful Help?

Kindness! Patience! Mindfulness! Is what you need at this moment. We at Insightful understand this and organize your therapy in a way that helps you the most. this disorder usually doesn’t get better on its own. You need a helping hand to control yourself. Generally cognitive behavioral therapy is the best therapy recommended, but we may offer something additional to it.
Counselling For Body Image - How It Helps Insightful Counselling

Why Choose Insightful?

Insightful understands you without even knowing you. You will gain that desired freedom from the compulsive habits you were getting prisoned into. We know that you are worth much more than whatever shows on the outside. Our motto is

Start Loving Yourself..

Love yourself as you are, if you have issues accepting it, talk to us! If left untreated, it may get worse with time. We may not be able to magically turn things around, but we will help you build self-acceptance and self-confidence.
Loving Yourself, Loving Your Body - Insightful Counselling


Reena has been my clinical supervisor since I graduated from a counselling master programme. She is patient and attentive. She makes me feel comfortable and less worry. Her counselling and supervision skills and knowledge are much to be admired for and she is generous with her knowledge. I left her office feeling fulfilled every time after the session. She is a extraordinary supervisor.

Reena is one of the best supervisors I had. She is very knowledgeable, passionate and compassionate individual who cares about imparting her skills on junior counsellors. She is well- versed in EMDR therapy and has taught me some valuable techniques to use with clients. Highly recommended if you are looking for a clinical supervisor.

I have had the privilege to experience Reena as both my Group Supervisor during my Masters at ECTA and one-on-one for individual supervision.

As a Group Supervisor, Reena allows the group to set our supervision goals. She is conscious when allowing sufficient time for cases to be presented. With her rich experience, she gently teases out info of each case, urges each presenter to provide his view, intervention and treatment plans.

As a Counsellor, I have benefited richly from Reena’s experience, generous sharing and guidance. I am truly grateful to be mentored and supervised by her.

Thank you for your excellent supervision. I am amazed at your generosity, patience, kindness, diligence, inspiration, commitment and support that you have provided during my internship counselling journey. You make me realize that I have more ability than I think I have, challenged me, pushed me, believed in me, help me grow consistently and constructively to do better and led by example. Thank you again!
- Jody Tan

Reena has been very helpful and insightful as a supervisor. She was able to shed light on my blind spots and offer suggestions in my intervention.
- Shifan Hu

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